The SerialEM Script Repository

Titan IlluminatedAreaLimits

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This script is considered obsolete, as the functionality has largely been integrated into the SerialEM graphical user interface. As even obsolete scripts can be useful for learning scripting or serve as the basis for new developments, it will continue to be available on this site.


Name Titan IlluminatedAreaLimits
Category Calibrations
Language SerialEM Scripting
Description Automatically determines the IlluminatedAreaLimits property for FEI Titan microscopes, testing spot sizes 1 to 11. This property needs to be set prior to any beam calibration.
Author Guenter Resch

Version History

Version 1.1.1


Upload date April 08, 2017
Download count 526
SerialEM version ≥ 3.6



Version 1.1.1 uses Windows line endings instead of Linux line endings


This code can be shared and adapted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License (