The SerialEM Script Repository

Jensen lab FISE Calibrations

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Name Jensen lab FISE Calibrations
Category Tomography
Language SerialEM Scripting
Description This script is used to acquire pre-calibration shifts in X and Y prior to FISE tilt-series acquisition using the Search parameter in serialEM. The script was tested with a Search parameter set to a magnification with a pixel size near 10 Å.
Author Georges Chreifi
Website link

Version History

Version 1


This script requires additional scripts to be run – please refer to the Required Scripts section below.

Upload date May 19, 2020
Download count 323
SerialEM version ≥ 3.8


Required Scripts

The following scripts are required to run this script, either because the are called directly or they provide functions:

Related Scripts

The following scripts provide a similar or related functionality, but are not required to run this script:


This script is called by the Jensen lab FISE script.

Make sure to do the following before runnign the FISE script:
1) Insert both scripts into SerialEM.
2) Place the files 'ArrayTilt_angles.txt' and 'ArrayTilt_defoci.txt' in the working directory.


This code can be shared and adapted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License (